Grade 5 & 6 - Integrated Studies

Nesibe Yuksel

Dear Grade 5 and Grade 6 students,

As 2016 comes to an end, you have grown into strong individuals and learnt a lot.

Grade 5s explored “Light” and conducted experiments to investigate some characteristics of light & shadows. Here are some pictures from these experiments:

Grade 5 Experiments
Grade 5 Experiments
Click images to enlarge

Grade 6s investigated “Electricity” and conducted certain experiments that involved making circuits and testing which materials are conductors or insulators in these circuits. Some pictures from these experiments are as follows:

Grade 6 Experiments
Grade 6 Experiments
Click images to enlarge

Great effort to both grade 5s and grade 6s within Integrated Studies. All the best with years ahead...Have a safe and fun holiday :)

Ms. Nesibe